Wednesday 1 December 2010

Open Hub group 'Resources for Learning Science'

One of the pages in this group contains a very extensive list of web 2.0 tools that could be used to support teaching and learning in science.
Another page invites you to share iPod apps or similar that are useful for teaching

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Online tools

Which online tools have you used with pupils?

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Google docs

Which sorts of docs do you think could be most useful to teachers?
Are there features that you particularly liked?
How could you exploit the benefits of collaboration in a science lesson?

Photo Story

Photo Story can be used with all kinds of pupils, but is particulary useful for those able pupils who are more artistic than scientists. It gives them the ability to be creative in science. Creativity is not always thought, by pupils, to be something they 'do in science'.

Because Photo Story is free to download is it reasonable to expect pupils to have access to the programme at home. If so this could be used as an extended homework.

Thursday 16 July 2009

Digital video

Ideas for use - HSW - get students to dissect a news story and add comments from power point slides, eg look at swine flu stories in a health topic.
-Particle physics, CERN and LHC
-Plate tectonics and earth science
-make a video as a record of a practical investigation
-use the forces program from Teachers TV as a source of video clips of demonstrations
-almost any context from all three disciplines(!)
The technology could be used with all key stages, either in lessons or for homework although this raises issues of home access to IT. Good way to introduce new topics.
How long should pupils be given on this type of activity - opinions included 5 mins, 45 mins, 1-3 lessons, 3 hours if peer assessment was involved. There was a note of caution voiced - who should 'invest' the time needed to familiarise pupils with the technology? Some felt that this could be done over about 2 hours by a science teacher, others believe that science lessons are not the appropriate place for this - and that colleagues in ICT departments should be involved in preparing pupils for the use of ICT in science lessons.


Ideas for use - giving pupils a voice, including feedback on lessons or topics.
Setting up a blog at the end of each unit or at the end of the year would be the best timing, but give pupils no more than one lesson to complete the blog.


Ideas for use - any content heavy area of science, including HSW where a wiki could be used to look at the life and works of famous (and not so famous) scientists. Good for a collaborative exercise on the history of ideas, such as how models of the atom have evolved. If this included the evidence on which each model was based it could be developed to be written as if it was one of the scientists commenting on another scientists work.
Good for revision leading up to a test.
Another suggested use for a wiki was to present information at the beginning of a topic.